6 Jun 2011

Plight of Mother India..!!

Half a century has passed,
silently she witnesses
chaos amidst  life.
Humanity  axed, love scarce,
exploitation in, corruption rules,
insanity paves ways for violence,
peace - a luxurious demand,
terrorism, a new-found mantra.
Fake principles of the ruthless,
youngsters with lost insight,
playing with weapons and fire.
Bloodshed giving an adrenaline rush!

She dies a million deaths daily,
Her heart bleeds, the pain echoes,
She searches for children,
instilled with sensitivity,
who will fight for justice,
with unity and nonviolence,
to protect her pride and honour.
Her compassionate heart,
Earnestly desire a dream,
'A womb' that makes her feel proud!

Let 'Utopianism' be
our gift of love for her..!!

© Maaya Dev


Butterflies of time said...

Maaya-it's a beautiful and heart felt poem ,one that points out the ways in which we are making our motherland weep. With sadness and hope, you have made your point .Hope this inspires everyone reading it!

Maya Dev said...

Poetry is a good medium to spread message...I am glad I had contributed my tiny seed towards such good deed...Thanks a lot Reena for ur valuable comments..