18 Jul 2009

Symbolism In Mahabharata..!

The ‘Mahabharata’ has a deep underlying symbolism.
Here it goes like this..

Dhritarashtra symbolises the mind, which gives birth, in a sense, to our tendencies. He was blind as the mind is to its tendencies. His wife, Gandhari, was not blind but chose to blindfold herself. Even when we have a choice to see, we choose not to see.

Imagine Draupadi as the human body. The Pandavas, the five senses, are wedded to it. Their first cousins, a hundred in number, the Kauravas, are present in the form of the tendencies of the mind.

Yudhishthir thinks that he is a good gambler and so would win over the Kauravas. The senses also think that they can win over the tendencies of the mind. The Pandavas keep gambling till they lose everything, including themselves and their beloved wife, Draupadi.

Likewise, we lose everything when we gamble with our tendencies, and, like the Pandavas, end up in spiritual exile. The body is demeaned, like Draupadi was, and only divine intervention can save it. However, our body does not abandon us, even when we lead it into exile.

Kurukshetra is the world in which we live this life, witnessing a war between our senses and our mind’s tendencies.

However, there are some good tendencies also. There are many good people in the Kaurava camp. But, Krishna advises Arjuna to kill all of them, implying that all tendencies, both good and evil should be exterminated. They are already dead, he says. You are only an instrument in making this evident.

If a person has to gain enlightenment he must overcome all the tendencies of the mind, good or bad. These do not have an existence, apart from what we have given them — they are already dead. However, we keep them alive by our own acts, and, by our own acts, we can kill them all. Only then will we be free.

None of the Pandavas were born of their mother’s husband, Pandu. Their mother, Kunti, had been given a chant, which invoked various gods who fathered the Pandavas. The Sun was the father of Karna. Dharma, the god of duty was the father of Yudhishthir and Indra the king of gods was the father of Arjuna. The god of wind, symbolising strength, was the father of Bhishma and the Ashwini Kumars were the fathers of Nakul and Sahdev.

Our senses are basically part of our divinity, the instruments born to keep us in this form. The original name of their mother was Pritha, signifying Prithvi, the Earth, and she took the name Kunti when Kuntibhoja adopted her. So, the Pandavas were born through the conjoining of the Earth and the divine the body and the spirit. Karna was born of the Sun-god and the Earth mother. He is a symbol of our ego. Like him, our ego is also armoured. Only the guru’s intervention could get the armour removed. Similarly, the guru helps the seeker in killing his ego.

Krishna’s form, too, is symbolic. Deep blue is the colour of eternity. It is the colour of the sky, and of the deep ocean. Yellow is the colour of the earth. A deep blue god-image enclosed in yellow clothes symbolises the spirit clothed in the body. Krishna, then, is a symbol of the body and spirit, a symbol of you and me in our enlightened form. When we become aware of our true self, we realise that there is no difference between us and Krishna — or Vishnu, of whom he is an incarnation, as, indeed are we.

Look At Your Problems...!!

In our life what we cant get rid of is 'Problems'. It is like never ending waves in a sea..One problem solved and you can see another one poping up from no where..And the irony is that in this whole world none is free from prolems..

But I had noticed that many just create problems without their knowledge..because many of the problme which they see it as big problems are just ignorable..For them their problem is that they don't have any problems. They simply create them. Because they have got into the habit of creating them and they enjoy them. This is the serious problem, if one starts enjoying problems, it is very difficult to get out because they have much investment in them. Otherwise they can get out right that moment. Not for a single moment do they need to wait, because they are their created problems.

But some people just love to zoom any silly problems...They dont know how much weightage to give to each problems and which kind of problems.. Most problems are having built in solutions, but since they love to zoom it for an unproductive way they tend to see the right solutions at right time..another tragic situation..

But there are people who have real problems, there are people who have imaginary problems. Some problems are mere imaginations. There is nothing wrong in their being imagination. It plainly says they are imaginative person, a creative person. They not only write novels, they have created a novel around them. It is just a fiction all their problems are just fictitious, because they can see that their energy is absolutely pure, there is no problem at all. So in a way it is very simple to get out of them, in a way it is very difficult. If there is a problem, something can be done. But if there is no problem so naturally nothing can be done.

Isnt it a big truth & isn't it funny to be so..? So let me hope and wish that anyone who is so creative, plz do they engage themself in some creative work than creating some stressful problem..and those who love to zoom, let they zoom to the solution side to get rid of the problme as fast as they can..

Wish you a 'Problem Free' life...!!

Moment Speaks..!!

What greater thing is there for..
Two human souls that..
To feel that they are joined..
To strengthen each other..
To be at one with each other...
In silent unspeakable memories...

17 Jul 2009


Thoughts can fail of 'Words'. But 'Imagination'....never !!

Rose Conveys..!!!

Sometimes, roses tell things that words fails to convey...
Their fragrance spread love and happiness all around...!

Your Best Friend....?

Never search your happiness in others which will make you feel alone, rather search it in yourself, you will feel happy even if you left alone. Because one of the great truth is that your forever friend is 'YOU' only..


The energy called desire has been condemned for centuries. Almost all the so called saints have been against it and preaching it as the very root cause of pain is having desires.BUt that is not true..

Infact desire is life, your very being is desire, to be against it is to be against yourself and against all. To be against it is to be against the flowers and the birds and the sun and the moon. To be against it is against all creativity. Desire is creativity. Desire without any object, desire without being goal-oriented, unmotivated desire, pure desire, is godliness. Desire is not to be destroyed; it is to be purified. Desire is not to be dropped; it is to be transformed.

The Eastern scriptures are perfectly right when they say that God created the world because a great desire arose in Him – a desire to create, to manifest, a desire to make many from one, to expand. But these are only metaphors. God is not separate from desire. Desire means a longing, a great longing, to expand, to become as huge as the sky. Infact 'Desire' give a 'Will' to dream thus give a will to live..

The Dance Of Life..!

There were two hearts who met in a dance.That moment was magical. There was a sweet song. Playing, there was harmony and soon love in the air.They fell in love and they started building castles in their dreams and promised forever with all certainty.

But, somewhere in the midst of the fun, they got lost in the dance something went wrong but they can never do anything. They were just drifting away, their fortress apart. There were so many questions but no one had an answer. The music stopped and there was silence....

When we truly love someone,we give our best and let the person see the pureness of our intentions. But sometimes that person makes us cry and hurt us for the wrong reasons.That someone must have loved us, but he has not loved us enough to make him stand for what he truly felt. Now we are faced with the seemingly impossible task of forgetting. We have burdened ourselves long enough but we still cant get out of this emotional trap. Let us remember that the more we try to forget someone we love, the more we try to forget someone we love, the more painful letting go will become. Sometimes we never had to take that person out of our hearts at all, for He will always be there no matter how hard we try to drive him away. It isnt his presence that makes it difficult. It is our stubborness to accept our destiny that aligns forgetting next to impossible. We keep a cold face but deep in our hearts there is still that lingering hope for reconciliation. Somehow we still believe that we can rekindle small embers and relight the fire that once burned in our hearts.These thoughts give us hope but it also breeds the seeds of loneliness and despair.

The only way to forget is to accept and the only way to move on is to look ahead and let the footprints of the past be blown by the wind of time. Only then can our hearts find a partner in the 'Dance Of Life' and hopefully never get lost again......

Beautiful Dawn..!

There is nothing more healing than the expectation of a
Beautiful Day..!

Have a Beautiful Day...!

16 Jul 2009

Can U Forgive...?

Can forgiveness make you happy?
Yes it can..Building on the foundation of love, you can begin to forgive others by accessing your compassion, which is the ability to feel empathy for others and act toward them in a non-judgmental way.Forgiveness occurs naturally when you view others through the lens of love and compassion.Forgiveness is really about releasing yourself from the burden of holding onto the conflicts or pain caused by somone.

whenever I forgave someone I could see the present moment in front of me, rather than the pain of the past. I feel a lightness in my step as burdens are lifted from my shoulders. Forgiveness clears the path of obstacles to happiness, and I can't help feeling joy in the process.I've found that happiness is in the eye and heart of the beholder.

Inspite of all these some people miss out on using the power of forgiveness..Because they fail to realise, pain or anger will only harm them than benifit them. It burdens your heart heavily restrict you to feel joy or peace...How sad......????


When I cant find your presence around me..
Dont know what will happen to my days...
'Smile' from my visage remains at bay..


Very often we see that in life how hard we try or how much planning and preparation we do, something will not turn out the way we wanted it to be. Yet even when those inevitable disappointments do indeed come, you can adapt and make the very most of them.
Life is not perfect and yet it can be perfectly wonderful. It’s great to aim for perfection, and even better to achieve excellence in spite of the imperfections you encounter. When people and situations refuse to co-operate, you can be amazingly adaptable. You can move toward excellence even in the most distressing, imperfect scenarios.

Though what you have is not perfect, you can work with it. Accept what you have, imperfections and all, with gratitude and enthusiasm. Don’t spend your time waiting for the perfect situation, something which is not very likely to come at times.

Accept 'Imperfection' is part of your life and go ahead with life as it is, with the bumps and the pitfalls, and give your best to every moment to make it most perfect.

Have a 'Imperfectly Perfect' day..!!!

Genorosity Of A Flower..!

“Flowers leave some of their fragrance in the hand that bestows them”

Nothing Is Eternal...!

You never loose anything, specially 'THINGS'...
'PEOPLE, they go away, sooner or LATER...
You can't hold on to them FOREVER...
Like you can't hold the MOONLIGHT...
But if they've touched YOU....
If they're inside of YOU..
Then they're still YOURS...!!!

Set Boundary..!

Life often resembles bleak, never ending treadmill. Mechanically it moves from morning to evening then to fall exhausted into a trance-like sleep, only to awaken next morning to the menacing prospect of repeating the pattern.

Meanwhile we do need to handle most difficult situtaions.Among them some people seems to be so impossible that they are enough to create life miserable..No matter what we do when dealing with negative people or how many techniques we use in dealing with them, it seems we often end up having to set boundaries. In relationships, not only do we have to spend time together and cultivate closeness. But we also have to create distance too.

This is where boundaries come in. If someone is going negative on you a lot, chances are good that you're spending too much time together or that person has too high of expectations from you. What's needed is more space, at least emotionally.

I had a relative that would call me on the phone a lot and the conversation always ended up being negative. She'd gossip about other family members and criticize them. I always felt gloomy afterwards. So I started cutting the call duration by saying some excuses. BUut I'd call her once in a while, so as to not offend her, Sure enough, the phone calls decreased. Now we communicate mostly by email and it's so much more positive, both for her and for me.

This is a way to gently set boundaries. In some situations you might need to be more extreme. Especially if the person is hyper-critical of your goals or things you care about most deeply. But don't hesitate to back away from these people and instead fill your life with people who support you and have a possitive influvence on you. So set boundaries in your relationship on time if needed which will help you to navigate the various relationships and interactions in your daily life.

Good luck..!!

Amazing Rock...!!

This is a picture of a rock formation near a lake in Burma .. The photo can only be taken on a specific day once a year when the sun rays touch the rocks at a certain angle.

To see the speciality of this rock...Just tilt your head to the left side and then look at it again. Got amazed...??

Say It Now....!

If you want to extend a helping hand, or say a kind word, Then you shouldn’t wait. It might get too late. If you have a kind word to say, say it now If you have something to give, give it now, If you can make someone glad do it now... or make some other less sad, do it now…

Happened to read an article which strengthen this thought once again..

The incidence goes this way..Agnihotri & Tara lived in Tanzania for few months as a part of project work. Tara got the opportunity to interact with few locals.In Tanzania many locals worked as maids in the Asian homes specially Indians and even learnt how to prepare Indian delicacies depending on who they stayed with. A Tanzanian can even make puran poli or idli sambhar perfectly.

Jamma, a frail-looking Tanzanian, worked with Agnihotri family. A very simple lady, she had a serene look on her face all the time. She lit up the place whenever she smiled. She did her work efficiently and never complained about anything. Often, Tara noticed that she wore the same outfit that hung loosely on her bony structure and several times, though Tara thought of giving her some of my kurtas which she could tailor into a skirt, but somehow that never happened.

The last time she saw Jamma was when she went out in the rain. She remembered looking at her and wondering what it was like to go out in the rain without a covering and worn-out footwear. A few days later, she learned that Jamma was sick and hospitalised. She thought of going across to see her, but somehow this visit didn’t materialise, or maybe he just didn’t make that extra effort to do so.

It was Tara's birthday a few days later and she was in a foul mood as she didn’t get the ‘Tanzanite ring’ that she expected from her husband. When Agnihotri came home for lunch, tara still expected him to bring out the box containing the ring. Instead, he said quietly, “Jamma expired today.” All she could say was, “What!” Till today, we don’t know the cause of her death… was it malnutrition, depression or a terrible disease? Did Jamma know she was sick and maybe even dying? These questions still rings in Tara ears and left with enough guilt.

That was the the time I realised all about the importance of time. She had been given a chance to share something with Jamma and lost it forever. I also realised that there is much more to life than being involved with our own little worlds. There are people all around us who have nothing in life and yet expect nothing.

Time never waits for anyone or anything...act quickly before it is too late to even repend..

12 Jul 2009

'Woman'.....Through an eye of a man..!!

I wonder what it's like to be "That Woman."
The woman who walks in the room
and demands everyone's attention.
The woman with the dark eyes
full of mystery and magic
that draws curiosity in adam since eve born
and make men yearn to know the secrets hidden within.

The woman with the cascading raven hair
have powers to evoke imagination to be a poet
The woman whose vision lingers in dreams
and whose voice echoes softly amidst whispers.
The woman with fingers tender enough
to caress the most delicate of mists
The woman who lingers on the edge of darkness
while clinging to the shadows of moonlight.

8 Jul 2009

See Sea....!!

Sit in reverie and watch the changing colour of the waves that break upon the idle seashore of the mind...What a way of relaxing !!!...

Life...A Canvas !!

Life isn't just full of happiness, there is love, there are sunset, there are tears. It's the thoughts of yesterday's refreshing memories, that can wash away all our fears. Sometime it's that very painful experience, that each one of us has had. It's the laughter that fills the air, It's the tears when you are sad. It's loving that someone special, that at one time made you smile. It's the pain of losing that person, but the memories that make it worthwhile. It's that child in every one of us, although in time we'll all be old. It's the good times we'll never forget, it's the memories we'll always hold. It's the hug that we all need, when we'd rather drown in our sorrow. It's the hope in every one of us, that makes us hold on for tomorrow..


In many ways, we all human beings are alike. However, one little difference almost always makes a big difference. The little difference is attitude.

William James, over a century ago, said, "The greatest discovery of this generation is that a human being can alter their life by altering their 'Attitude'. How true it is...

What most people fail to realize is that your attitude not only impacts your happiness and your success, it also can impact the happiness and success of all the people around you...your family, your friends, and your peers at work. Attitudes truly are contagious, and from time to time we need to ask ourselves...

"Is mine worth catching?"

There is no way to overstate the importance of a positive attitude in your life. However, no one can underestimate the difficulty in maintaining it. It's not easy, and it's a very personal thing, but it can be done if you have 'Will'..

Change your attitude and transform your life..!!


Each 'SUNSET' is different..
You can still see a piece..
A piece of something..
Something never to return..!!