8 Mar 2015

What If ..!

What if?
If a moment’s carelessness cause your heart bleed 
Would you call me a heartless..?

What if?
If my smile flashes before tears rolled down
Would you think I am the happiest..?

What if?
If I keep silence to restore the peace
Would you question my integrity..?

What if?
If I never voice to reciprocate the feelings
Would you think I am mute..?

What if?
If I prefer not to tell the bitter truth 
Would you call me a coward..?

What if?
If I never get shattered with the unbearable 
Would you reckon if I am an alien..?

What if?
If my dreams started to desert me 
Would you dare to rewrite my destiny..?

What if?
If my own shadow escapes me a fine morning
Would you become my shadow to walk with me..?

What if?
If I cease to exist one fine day 
Would you dare to rewind the time..?

What if?
If when whole world forgets me suddenly 
Would you become my memoir and live once again..?

© Maaya Dev 2015 Jan

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