27 Feb 2011


The first summer rain pours,
Euphoric time for peacocks,
Harmonious dance with love & joy,
What a pretty feast to our eyes !
Whispering cry of each rain drops,
Unheard misdt of torrential splutter,
Helplessness goes unnoticed, therein
If their grip hold onto the clouds..alas!

Eyes get wet every time I witness..
Their unseen pain my glance stole.
The forcible burst onto the soil.
Failed to camouflage their chaos!

To my surprise those rain drops,
Fell on my heart of desert sadly,
Gifts me few OASIS in return
A selfless lovely gesture?..perhaps!


Butterflies of time said...

You are picked a perfect gem as your fav.The raindrops have taken on a life of their own albeit a delicate, shortlived one in this poem. The 3rd stanza throbs with pain but the last stanza is a masterpiece of how pain can surprisingly turn into unexpected pleasure and speaks of redemption-of the highest kind!

Maya Dev said...

I am glad you like this poem reena.....I love the soul of this poem...Thanks a lot dear...