9 Jul 2008

An Open Secret..!

We all know basically human beings are so curious to know about any secret in any given time. So how it would be like, if I let you all know a secret of our life?..Interetsing..?

But the problem is I am bit confused whether it is really a secret or an open secret.Well friends, I am fully convinced that it is no longer a secret.So I would rather like to call it as 'An Open Secret'. However I dont want any of you to agree with what I believe in. As you go through this post you can decide whether it is a secret or an open secret according to your opinion. Now let me get into the topic slowly..

We all know our life is a big journey and it is somewhat like this. Journey from 'Once Born Innocence' to 'Twice Born Wisdom'.During the transition we have to go through lots of hardships. And we use the experience of our difficult times to help us grow wisely. In due course, while dealing with life's situations, we assume that our problems are unique and worst when compared to others and unfortunately we are the only one who left with all tragedies and miseries.

Mean while, in our day to day life we meet lots of people from all circles. In that, some are relatives and friends, and few are just acquaintances. Upon meeting we all used to exchange few formal pleasantries like 'How are you?', 'How are kids & husband'?,'How is job going on?’ etc..Most of the time we say/hear the same response from everyone that 'Everyone or Everything Is Fine'. It clearly indicates as if everyone is admitting to have a nearly perfect life without any visible problems.

But many at times it is not the accurate representation of our actual lives. We feel embarrass to say others that our life is not reaching anywhere/ job often feel meaningless / the move to a city/country was not a wisely taken decision etc.. We don’t opt to say the truth because we don’t want to appear sad, weak, confused & depressed. So we feel it’s wise to keep ourselves under wraps. The result of hiding the truth from others is that we give wrong signals to others due to which all used to wonder about others that how come others’ life, family, marriage, job works so well without any problem, where as why all the time I have to deal with one problem or the other..

The irony is that in this scenario we all are safeguarding 'A Secret' from everyone, which we don’t realize often. A secret not so bad, but subtle and pervasive one. Sound rubbish..? But not..!!! In reality no one is having a smooth life as confessed. Hence the lie we say is not a secret but an open secret.

Despite having lot giftedness, internally we each one is so vulnerable and insecure that everyone longs for constant reassurance and sense of appreciation and acceptance from others. Mean while we forget ‘our birth right’ to have real opportunity to live fully, with passion and profound satisfaction. Under wrong perceptions when we shut ourselves from others..our pain, fear and desires in the absence of company became alienation envy and competition.

Needless to say we are unaware that there is a compassionate world accessible to us. If you are willing, you will come to know the true magnificent that awaits you. The door to heaven openings starts with the door to your own secret self. See what happens when you offer to another a glimpse of ‘Who you really are’. Many might feel it is easily said than done, but my friends nothing is impossible, if there is a will there should be some way..

So whoever wants to try just start slowly without getting dramatic, share the simple dignity of yourself in each moment of your triumphs, your failures, your satisfaction and your sorrows. Face your embarrassment at being human. There you will uncover a deep well of passion and compassion. It’s a great power, 'Another Secret'. When your heart is undefendable you make it safe for whomever you meet to put down his/her burden of hiding. Then you both can walk through open door unmasked with light heart and travel with ease.Know that there is a world of 'compassion' arounds you..Aware of that and get ready to enjoy your journey. Because it’s your birth right..!

Have a smooth and pleasant journey of life ahead....Cheers....!

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