26 Feb 2015

Ability Beyond Disability...!

Revolving of earth on its axis
a way of perfecting on the griddle of seasons.
Yet around the world imperfection snips
like sudden protrude of mushrooms. 

Life is scattered and broken
as the refracting rays of prism.
The heralded eve of normalcy
shuts dreamy doors caustically.

Scar is persistent so tears are frozen.
Strained words are drying on the tip of lips.
Chimes of song demised in the dense valley
and track is lost in the darkness of night.

In its volatile firth, 
‘Able is labelled as disabled’.
Though the destined journey can’t be impede
when ability beyond disability reigns.

Free is thy soul, free is thy will.
In the cocoon of the swirls of time
they resist assimilating with the destiny
to dilute the mist of mystery and mirage of illusion.

As a phoenix risen from hopeless life
they sail through invisible deific wings
by winning infinite impossibilities of life 
to head towards the trajectory of renaissance.

© Maaya Dev Dec 2014

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