In the depth of night,
Beneath illuminated sky,
My glances kiss each jewel,
Spread hither and thither,
My heart steals the sparkle,
And stitch it on my dreams.
In the awe of splendour,
A luminous aura from afar,
Embrace my presence to glow,
Swoon off my senses to yield.
A pleasant chase for trace,
Unfold an ineffable delight.
In the cosmic remoteness,
The 'Fluorescent Beauty',
Princess of ethereal space,
Clad in white translucent,
Reigns amidst infinite stars,
Emit her eternal charm.
In that tranquil hour,
Through the cool mist,
The surreal charisma,
With all her benevolence,
Bathe my weariness away,
And put me to a sweet repose.